Thank you for your interest in “Delhi Within”, an
ideas competition organised by Champion Cities as part of
the inaugural Habitat Summit 2009. It is part of our effort
to encourage a multi-disciplinary engagement with the city
and urban issues and to facilitate positive change in
India's cities undergoing rapid transformations in their
built environment.
Delhi, through its long history and geo-political
significance, has evolved an urban experience that is a
syncretisation of numerous cultural influences. This process
of absorption of influences has become mercurial and
convoluted in today's globalised, connected world. Due to
its non-linear evolution, the city's character, cultural
practices and identity are unique in that they are
multivocal and naturally enhance the inclusiveness of the
city. The fear remains that due to the rapid pace of
development the city has set itself, significant anchors and
contexts for Delhi's vibrant urban character and
inclusiveness might erode due to a lack of perceived
relevance or recognition.
“Delhi Within” looks to eke out innovative, visionary
ideas and processes that would bring these intrinsic spaces,
contexts and urban cultural practices to the fore as
valuable assets to be leveraged for creating enriched urban
experiences in an engaging, inclusive city. It intends to
showcase ideas borne out of multi-disciplinary research and
creative practices that reveal and work with the forces that
create define, evolve and mutate urban environments and
The competition is open to all, to participate in as
individuals or as institutions. We do, however, encourage
multi-disciplinary efforts that would approach, engage,
ideate and articulate on multiple fronts. The format of the
competition has been devised to afford you, the participant,
maximum flexibility and width to articulate ideas that may
not be completely communicated through single media or
linear processes. We encourage you to exploit this width to
reveal the soul of the city and capture the essence of a
radical idea that would keep Delhi's “delhi-ness”
relevant and vibrant as it tries to realise its dream of
being a city of global importance.
We hope you find participating in this competition an
exciting and enjoyable experience. All the very best!
Raj Liberhan
Director, India Habitat Centre |
Anupam Yog
Managing Director, Mirabilis Advisory |
Madhav Raman
Principal, Anagram Architects |
"A single exhaustive definition eludes a city's
"Urban Experience". Nevertheless it could perhaps
be described as a woven composite, mainly defined by its
Built Character, its Urban Identity and the behaviour of its
Built Character: The evolution, conservation and
renewal of the built character of a city is governed by
planning norms, building controls and urban policy which are
the traditional instruments of urban planning and urban
design. The built character makes the most immediate spatial
and visual impact of the city's "hardware" on the
psyche of its residents. Through its deliberate control and
careful manipulation, a physical sense of "place"
may be created within different precincts of the city. It is
even possible to create "urban icons", spaces that
induce a sense of belonging through their distinct and
unique singularity.
Urban Identity: However, "place-making"
is truly the work of the citizens of a city. Certain urban
contexts of the city strike a deep chord with its residents.
Even though they may be unremarkable architecturally, the
chord resonates with the citizenry so strongly that a
collective identity gets invested in these
"places". The "places" then move beyond
the realm of physical symbolism and become iconic within the
minds of the residents, contributing immeasurably to their
urban identity. Quite often, this is less through physical
engineering, but due more to the nurturing of numerous
inherent characteristics such as historicity, accessibility,
multivocal qualities and inclusive nature.
Urban Behaviour: Multivocal urban contexts carry
unique meaning to each individual; their simultaneous
inclusiveness allows people to openly engage with them both
individually and collectively. Such spaces and contexts
within a city have a deeply reciprocal relationship with the
Urban Behaviour of the residents, the manner in which they
view and engage with their city, and with each other. The
urban behaviour of a city replicates itself in recognizable
patterns at multiple scales.
“As emerging cities hurtle along the path of rapid
urbanisation, many issues that pertain to urban experience
fall outside the purview of formal tracks of urban planning
and policy.”
Urban experience evolves over many years of habitation in
a settlement and has deep cultural and socio-economic roots.
Its very nature makes it impossible to describe- and
therefore analyse in purely statistical terms. Yet it adds
immeasurable value to the city. It enhances the livability
of the city and increases its ability to attract and absorb
human capital. In short, it vitalises a city, encouraging a
sense of belonging amongst residents and widening their
engagement with the city and with each other. This helps
empower segments of urban society whose means are limited
and who seem to have a reduced stake in the city. It
increases the adoption and utilisation of the city's
infrastructure and spaces through culturally congruent
means. Other aspects of healthy urban behaviour such as
syncretism, tolerance, a social conscience, and a liberal
outlook are intrinsically linked to a vibrant urban
The urgency for development in emerging cities puts a
strong emphasis on globalised models of infrastructure
development and technological advancement. Yet, this often
results in eroding the intangible quality of urban
experience. Moreover, the pace of development frequently
allows inadequate time and space for the city to adopt new
physical infrastructure and spaces, and infuse them with its
inherent urban character. Crucially, the rapid introduction
of new physical assets to the city renders older- often more
vibrant assets- redundant, defunct or underutilised. Their
reinterpretation and regeneration may help in creating
timeless, relevant socio-cultural anchors that are vital for
cities experiencing vast change over a relatively short
period of time.
What are these core assets which
hold the key to revealing a city's identity or character? ·
What is the nature of their potential to add value to the
urban living condition? · In what manner could these be
tapped or reinvented to create more inclusiveness? · How
can these assets empower residents, and result in
socio-ecologically aware lifestyles?
to investigate your city- to discover and reveal its
hitherto hidden assets. It gives you the opportunity to put
forward radical ideas to tap potentials, and use existing
urban contexts as resources. You can help to create a
self-confident, vibrant city that celebrates its own
identity while pursuing its dreams of becoming a global
megacity. The contexts to be investigated this year are:
Redundancies enroute: Within Delhi's grade
separators, interchanges and rotaries, pockets of redundant
spaces and surfaces such as flyover soffits, traffic
islands, medians and roundabouts exist. Such features are
permanent components to our cityscape. While they are
constantly on view (to commuters for example), there is
scant engagement with the city. Can these spaces do more
than merely channelise traffic?
Defunct Urban Hardware: As Delhi acquires new
infrastructure and buildings, old structures,
"hardware" and edifices are abandoned, get
underutilised, or become superfluous. Many of these have
significant urban value due to their age, iconic status or
location. Could they be innovatively leveraged?
Water Conduits: From the natural drainage systems
(nullahs) to sewers; water supply pipelines to water
tankers- various conduits and channels of water scour Delhi.
How can their value as existing networks be better used by
the city?
Green Reserves: Delhi's Ridge Forests were a
contiguous belt that ensconced the formal city just a few
decades ago. Rapid agglomeration has reduced these to green
enclaves of various sizes. While it is imperative that these
are protected and allowed to thrive, it is equally important
for them to be part of Delhi life. What form of engagement
should this be?
Urban Villages & Historic Settlements: Delhi's
many "original" settlements and rural enclaves
give a unique flavour to the city but seem to be at odds
with development policies. Being outside the ambit of urban
controls, they remain excluded from the fabric of the city.
Could these settlements potentially enhance the
inclusiveness of the city and become vibrant contributors to
Delhi's urban experience?
Wholesale markets and Street Commerce: Delhi's
urban culture, like that of most other old cities across
India, is very deeply linked to the street- and the commerce
of the street. This is the essence of Indian city life and
Delhi has its own special relationship with what is now
termed as the "informal tertiary sector".
Similarly its wholesale markets, some of which have existed
for many centuries, are significant cultural anchors. Can
these seedbeds of interstitial urbanism be revived?
The indicative- but not exhaustive- criteria for
evaluating responses include:
Focus on Experiences: Integrating individual
perceptions of urban spaces and assets into a holistic
collective experience.
Hidden Assets: Exploring the often overlooked
resources of a city that could potentially add intangible
value to the city.
Being Multi-disciplinary: The competition promotes
collaborative models for the fuzzy front end of innovation
within urban contexts. Being a multi-disciplinary team helps
to bring diverse perspectives to a context. Thereby,
patterns and connections that are not easy to uncover
ordinarily become leveragable assets.
Context Specificity: While the brief for the
competition outlines the broad contexts the participants
would investigate, the entries must be specific to a
particular area of the city (selected by the participant)
and the "idea" must be articulated within its
specificity. The entry submitted must also articulate, to a
fair extent, the specific parameters at play which impact
the "idea".
'Designed' Processes: The value of an idea lies as
much in relevant processes as in the end product. The
content must not only serve to the communicate the idea but
also reveal the processes used to arrive at it.
Vibrant Articulation: To facilitate proactive and
productive engagement with the research, explorations and
solutions, the competition promotes vibrant articulation
through a rich experiential language presented through
photography, film, illustrations, graphics, sound, etc.
Announcement of Competition
01 August
Participation kit available for download online.
Registration & Submission of Entry
15 September
Registration form is available online. Please fill and
submit along with payment online.
Jury 1
20 September
Shortlist of 10 to be exhibited during the Summit
Jury 2
24-26 September
Finalists invited to make a presentation of their
"Idea" at the summit venue. Winner declared.
AWARD: The first stage of the competition will
yield a shortlist of 10 finalists whose entries shall be
exhibited at the venue of the 1st Habitat Summit 2009 . They
will receive a commendation and a "Champion
Cities" memento.
The finalists will then be invited to present their ideas
to the Jury in person in an open public event to be held on
the last day of the Summit. They will vie for the
"Stein Award" which carries a cash prize of INR
100000/- (Indian Rupees One Hundred Thousand only) and a
ELIGIBILITY: This competition is open for all to
participate, in teams or as individuals. However,
multi-disciplinary teams would be preferred as their
composition will be part of the evaluation process.
- Participants may apply as an individual or as a team.
- All entries must be uploaded as 1 zipped file to
- Total file size should not exceed 40mb
- For administration of entries, each team is required
to submit a sum of INR 500. This payment must be made
via cheque in favour of "Mirabilis Advisory Pvt
Ltd." . Please send your registration fee to the
following address:
Urban Habitats Forum
C/o Mirabilis Advisory Pvt Ltd.
Suite 1019, 10th Floor
DLF Galleria Condominiums
Gurgaon 122009, Haryana
Ph: +91-124-4238-452, Fax: +91-124-4238-454
- Upon receipt of your online entry and your cheque, a
confirmation email will be sent to your team leader.
- Deadline for applications is 15th September 2009
The components for a complete and valid entry for the
competition are:
Acceptable File Format
avi (Audio Video Interleaved)
wmv (Windows Media Video)
flv (Macromedia Flash Video)
swf (Shockwave Flash)
pps (MS Power Point Slideshow)
This component will articulate the concept as a film,
animation or slideshow
doc (Microsoft Word Document)
pdf (Acrobat Portable Document)
This component will be a Concept Note in not more than two
A4 sheets
pdf (Acrobat Portable Document)
This component should contain graphical information for
display in not more than two A2 panels
Entry Form
To be filled online at the time of submission.
NOTE: Although there are no specific size
restrictions on each component, there is an overall size
restriction of 40MB per entry. The participants are advised
to distribute this space across the three components as they
deem fit.
Mayank Bhateja
India Habitat Centre
6th Floor, Core 5 A, Lodhi Road,
New Delhi - 110 003, India
Tel (O): +91 11 4366 2007
Tel (M): +91-98-111-84210
Fax: +91 11 2468 2008
By Ish Shehrawat |
By AGK Menon,
INTACH-Delhi Chapter |
By Studio Abhyas |
By Nishant Kumar |
By Greha |
By Vikas Pawar |
By Aurgho Jyoti |
By Swati Janu |
By Swati Gupta |
By Ravish Kumar |
By Studio Abhyas |