Places for People
India Habitat Centre, New Delhi
23 April 08
"Urbanisation in India: Creating Places for
People" was the theme that anchored the first of a
series of seminars that Mirabilis Advisory and India
Habitat Centre launched under the newly formed
public-private partnership between the two organisations,
the 'Urban Habitats Forum'. The key objective of the
Forum is to influence thinking about the next generation
of urbanisation in India.
Individual presentations by the panellists were
followed by a lively panel discussion with the audience.
The Forum provided a platform that brought together
various stakeholders; from resident commissioners, Real
Estate developers, architects, students of planning and
architecture, to Professors of urban design, media,
ministries of urban development, chambers of commerce,
cultural & arts organizations.

From L to R:
Arun Kapur, Vasant Valley School; Ratish Nanda,
Aga Khan Trust for Culture;
Romi Chopra, RWA-Vasant Vihar; Prathibha
Prahlad, Delhi International Arts Festival;
Manit Rastogi, Morphogenesis Design Studio (Moderator); Leena
Srivastava, TERI; Ravi Singh, WWF