Champions of Change
21 August 2008, London House, Shi Cha
Hai Club, Beijing, China
Champion Cities was officially launched on 21st of
August at London House during the Beijing 2008
Summer Olympics.

the Cities of our Future
05 June 08, India Habitat Centre, New
The Urban Habitats Forum expanded on its
mandate to provide a platform for
multidisciplinary thinkers…

for Urbanising India
20 May 08, London Business School, London
Organized by the Sustainable Business Club of the
London Business School, the Urban Habitats Forum
brought together global experts to..

Places for People
23 April 08, India Habitat Centre, New Delhi
“Urbanisation in India: Creating Places
for People” was the theme that anchored
the first of the series of seminars that
Mirabilis Advisory and India Habitat Centre…

in India
13 March 08, The Taj Palace, New Delhi
The Roundtable on “Urbanisation in India”
focussed on issues that the cities of
tomorrow would have to address in the course
of their development..

in India: Next Generation of Cities in
14 February 08, India Habitat Centre, New Delhi
The first working group meeting of the Urban
Habitats Forum brought to light several
issues and action points….