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1st habitat summit


Overview  |  Objectives  |  Impact  |  Participants  |  Credits


The ‘Summit’ has been planned as a multi-layered event based on the ‘Mirabilis Matrix’ to focus attention on the state of our cities, and to debate strategies for improving their liveablity, competitiveness and environmental sustainability.

The Mirabilis Matrix: An Analytical Framework for Urban Thinking

  Hardware Software Governance
Liveability Good quality housing and amenities like parks, hospitals, clubs and schools Social networks & interaction. Clustering of amenities to create "urban buzz", a sense of place and history. Safety and enforcement of Law. Simple and well enforced system of municipal regulation.
Competitiveness Transport & Communications links. Quality of office/ commercial space. Clustering of human capital and ability to attract talent, socio-cultural openness. Reasonable tax rates. Efficient governance structures.
Environmental Footprint Public transport, density, green spaces, waste management, etc. Environmental consciousness, low impact lifestyles. Air and water quality. Sustainable practices with regard to water supply & usage, etc.

The key elements of the 'Summit' are:

  1. 3-DAY CONFERENCE with plenary, panel and town hall sessions, and a supplementary MASTERCLASS for aspiring policymakers and practitioners aiming to engage in developing the built environment.
  2. A GREEN JOBS FAIR: There is now clear recognition that the habitats of tomorrow will need to help and also adapt to the growing sustainability challenge. Our industry, our jobs will need to reflect the new paradigm of a much more acutely priced carbon and natural resource economy. The fair is part of a national campaign to raise awareness of the fast growing career opportunities in helping the global economy become more sustainable.
  3. A showcase community-oriented URBAN REGENERATION PROJECT.
  4. A public-facing EXPO presented by ‘Champion Cities’ and other partners, intended to create buzz and enthusiasm amongst citizens at large, and
  5. IDEAS COMPETITION titled “Delhi Within” to inspire ideas for urban change.